Terms and Conditions - (Traffic Control Course & Traffic Guidance Plan Implementer Course)
- If you have booked your courser then you will have already accepted these terms and condition.
- If you book your course over the counter at one of our offices then you will be given these terms and conditions.
- If you book over the phone, then you are required to visit our website for the full terms and conditions of your course. Should you disagree with these terms the you will have to contact us within 24 hours of you phone booking for a full refund.
Full payment must be paid to secure your place.
- If you have booked both (in a combo or separately) then these terms will apply for each course.
- Course bookings are non transferable to another person nor are fee paid transferable to another course unless you have provided more than 7 days notice.
- Each course has a Pre-Attendance , Attendance and Post-attendance Final Assessment/Evidence requirement. Pre-attendance is made up reading and attempting to understand the learning resources for the course, Attendance is made up of training and assessment at our training centre and Practical Training Site and Post attendance is made up of collecting evidence from a real workplace.
- If you are applying for recertification – please also refer to information below under recertification
Start Times and Pre-attendance Requirements
ALL courses commence at 8:30am SHARP .If you are not at the training centre and presenting to reception (office) at 8:30am then you will be recorded as “no show” and your booking will be cancelled. There can be NO exceptions to this rule – you will have to rebook for your course and pay the full fee again.
Participants are strongly urged to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to the advertised/informed starting time. In the event you are running late, YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO ENTER there will be no refunds. . You will have to book again. Calling us in the morning to tell us that you will be late will not change these terms, except in extreme situations and by approval from management (traffic is NOT an extreme situation).
- All courses have a pre-attendance component.
- If you cannot access a computer then please speak to us about print options BEFORE you book.
- In order to have a fair chance at completing this course your English reading, writing and speaking skills must be at least average or higher. It is your responsibility to ensure that you meet the minimum Language , Literacy and Numeracy (LLN) requirements for this course before you book. We can assist you with this by providing you with a sample of the text or by providing you with a LLN assessment. Please contact us before you book. If you meet the minimum requirements but you have difficulty with English, then this course may take you longer than the nominal (usual) duration advertised and thus the course may be more expensive.
- If a booking is cancelled by you with more than 7 days notice we will refund any fees paid. Refunds may take up to 7days to process and then a few more days to appear in your account.
- If you cancel one of two courses booked as a combo then any eligible refund will be the total fee less the full fee of the course you want to attend (not the discounted combo course fee).If you cancel within 7 days then you will lose all fees paid.
- If you cancel within 7 days then you will lose all fees paid.
- If you do not turn up on the day (or days for combo courses) then you lose all fees paid, even if you contact us on the day or the night before as this falls outside the required notice periods
- Just Careers Training (trading as Licences 4 Work) reserves the right to cancel a course due to unforeseen circumstances. Should this occur, any fees paid will be refunded in full, or you may reschedule with no additional fees. In such cases, Just Careers Training’s liability will be limited to the amount of fee paid.
- If you wish to reschedule with more than 7 days notice then there is no fee. This applies once only. For the second reschedule (with 7 days notice), a $100 reschedule fee applies. You may not reschedule a third time, you will lose all fees paid and have to pay the full course fee to book.
- If you wish to reschedule with less than 7 days but more than 72 hours notice then there is a $50 rescheduling fee - this must be paid to secure your booking.
- You cannot reschedule with less than 72 hours notice - you will lose any fees paid and have to rebook your course and pay all fees again.
- Combo courses - You can reschedule day 2 after beginning day 1 for a fee of $100 if you notify us before the end of Day 1 (before 5:00pm)
- If you are required to reschedule your course due to illness, you must notified us on the day and a medical certificate must be supplied by the close of business on that day and a fee of $50 is payable for each course ($100 for combo if both days are to be rescheduled). There are no refunds applicable if you cancel due to illness (unless in extreme circumstances by approval of the management)
Confirmation of Booking
- On confirmation of your booking, we will send you a confirmation of enrolment by email. This (or a second email ) will provide you information and access to our online portal where you can commence your course.
- Your course will be provided to you through our online learning management system that is compatible with the vast majority of systems. Please allow yourself time to complete the pre-attendance required study
- If you do not read the learning resources before attending then you may find this course difficult to complete in one day.
- If you require additional training then fees will apply.
Training / Assessment Information, Certificates & RMS Photo Cards
Training / Assessment Information
- If for any reason you do not finish your course (your Attendance requirements) and are required to attend for further day training, then a $100 fee will apply for every extra day. You must complete your course within 6 months of your original booking.
- Courses include completion of workbooks some theoretical assessment and practical training.
Results of Theory Assessments
- You will achieve one of the following results for each Theory Assessment
- Satisfactory – this means you may proceed with your course. If you did not achieve the required 100% then you will have to complete the questions at home after you complete your training (in order to get your SOA and Photo ID card(S)
- Further Training Required – this means that you may (choose) to proceed with your training, however you will have to book in for another date to undertake further training for a fee of $100. You may also simply go home and come in on the rebooked date.
- Certificates (SOA/SOC/Photo Cards) will not be issued until all fees owing are paid and all requirements met. This includes the need to provide us with a valid USI (Unique Student Identifier).
Certificates & MRWA Photo Cards & Course Expiry
If you meet the requirements of each course then you will receive your Statement of Attainment (SOA) at the end of the day for each course.
If you have the require pre-requisites for accreditation then you will receive your Photo ID card.
- Your enrolment expires after 180 days (6 months).
- Enclosed shoes, long pants and suitable shirt or jumper must be worn at all times. If you arrive without meeting these requirements, you will be refused entry to your course. No refunds apply. You may reschedule for a fee of $50. If you can have shoes delivered or arranged before morning tea then you will be allowed to do your course.
Recertification Application
The recertification process is designed for you if you have an unexpired card, recent experience and can meet the evidence requirements detailed on our website (this includes undertaking some assessment online) . If you apply for recertification then you have confirmed that you will be able to meet these requirements. If you do not meet requirements then fees and delays may occur.
The recertification process involves:
- Your enrolment and application confirming that you meet the requirements for recertification
- Submitting your current cards/licences / approvals including as a minimum – Traffic Control Cards (Blue or Yellow or Both depending on what you are applying for) and your White Card (or Statement of Attainment for the unit CPCCOHS1001A or equivalent)
- Submitting evidence of currency – This includes a completed Log Book that we will provide you / or an equivalent letter – showing that you have worked recently in a relevant role
- Providing minimum evidence from the workplace – This includes details of a minimum of 3 occasions applying the required competencies (including one controlling site construction equipment (if you are doing the implementer course)
- Submitting 3rd party supporting evidence confirming that on at least 2 occasions you have demonstrated the skills and knowledge required – signed by a Manager / Supervisor / Team Leader
- Submitting at least 2 TCP’s/ROL’s/Permits that have been implemented – Implementers Course
- Completing online assessments (available in print – contact us , a $35 fee applies)
- Review of submissions/ assessment by your allocated assessor
- You will be contact by the assessor to verify your identity and ask you some final questions to confirm your understanding – this call may take anywhere between 15-25 minutes.
- Your assessor may also contact your Manager / Supervisor / Third Party or come out to your work site to conduct an onsite assessment
- If you apply for recertification you have 90 Days to complete your online (or print assessments) and submit the required evidences.
- If you post your completed assessments/ evidence then we strongly advise that you take a copy of anything sent as we will take no responsibility for items lost in the post.
- If you do not complete this in the 90 days then your enrolment will expire and you will have to re-enrol into another application
- If you require an extension then you may be provided with an additional 90 days , however a fee of $100 applies and you must apply for this extension in writing before the end of the first 90 day enrolment. You may only apply for this once.
- Your total enrolment may therefore valid for 6 months , after this time if you have not met the requirements you will have to re-apply for recertification.
- Once submitted evidence review takes between 7-14 days. If your card expires in the interim we cannot assist you with this. If you submit your evidence after the 74th day then your SOA may be delayed meaning that you cannot continue to work in traffic control legally until you attain your SOA (Statement of Attainment ) and your SOC (Statement of Completion).
- Results of your submission/ final assessment may involve one of the following
- Application Successful (AS) - You will receive your Statement of Attainment (SOA) and Statement of Completion (SOC) and we will lodge your application for a photo card if you have uploaded the appropriate photo and paid your Card fees ($22 per card collected on behalf of RMS)
- Further Evidence Required (FER) – Your assessor will detail what further evidence (documentary evidence such as log books and Third Party Report requirements) may be required to attain your SOA – you will attain this result if your evidence is lacking – your first resubmission is free, after which a fee of $25 will apply
- Further Assessment Required (FAR) - Your assessor will detail what further assessment may be required to attain your SOA – You will attain this result if your assessment is deemed unsatisfactory and requires reattempt OR IF YOU HAVE NOTIFIED US OF WHERE YOU WILL BE AND YOU ARE NOT FOUND BY THE ASSESSOR – a fee of $50 will apply
- FER & FAR- both applicable fees will apply